to AI.

— KI
Core technology
More intelligent, more agile, more dynamic: artificial intelligence has long been part of our solutions. Many SSI processes and developments are even based on it. Of course, this does not replace our decades of expertise or the use of experienced developers. AI makes our customised software products even stronger in practice.
SSI Germany CEO
»At SSI, AI stands for Acceleration. But without the know-how behind it, AI is just a technology. SSI knows exactly what is important when developing AI applications. We use this potential. First for our own work. And finally, for software performance for our customers.«
AI deployment
in practice
Innovative technology
is our method.
Technology is evolving rapidly. The SSI Group is not only keeping pace — it is also constantly developing new solutions itself. Whether algorithm development, proof-of-concept service, artificial intelligence (AI) or outsourcing of programming languages: For us, performance has a method.
Technology is at the heart of SSI. With artificial intelligence (AI), our hearts beat even faster. We use AI wherever it improves or streamlines, facilitates or accelerates tasks and processes. This gives our development teams freedom.
Time to fully respond to our clients' needs. Capacity to combine proven methods with new technologies. Safety to achieve the goal on time and cost-effectively. Whether it's the development of algorithms or a proof of concept application: With AI, codes become added value. We use AI as...
Highest code quality through scans for errors and potential security risks
Faster development times thanks to optimized development and 24/7 SLA processes
Lean, automated processes for higher productivity and customer satisfaction